Shop Local
Shop Phinney-Greenwood this Friday through Sunday and reap the rewards next week. Bring your items purchased from local retailers with the receipt to Umpqua Bank from November 26 to 30 and they’ll wrap it for you for free. Or get deals from local restaurants like a free ice cream from Bluebird! There’s more information on participating restaurants on the DoPhinneywood.
Read MoreSale of the Week
Lantern Moon is well known for their stunning hand-crafted needles. We have carried them since the day we opened. Sadly, they have discontinued their palmwood and blondewood needles–don’t worry, the ebony, rosewood and featherlight slate are all still in production–so we are offering them to you at 15% off until our remaining stock is gone. These needles make excellent gifts or a luxurious treat for...
Read MoreComing Up November 19-25
Tuesday: Evening sit and knit group, 6 to 9 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Wednesday: Midday sit and knit group, noon to 2 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Thursday: Store is closed to celebrate Turkey Day!Friday, Saturday, Sunday: No classes this weekend. Be sure to shop local and support your neighborhood businesses when thinking of holiday gifts.
Read MoreA Season For Thanks
Thanksgiving has so many connotations. Firstly there’s the tradition of gratitude. What are we thankful for this year? For us, we’re thankful that our January move went smoothly and that our customers have rediscovered us at our new location (which we love, by the way). We’re thankful that we’re located in the Phinneywood community, which has a wonderful tradition of supporting its own. And we’re thankful that we live in the Northwest, with its huge and avid community of knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers, and all kinds of fiber arts devotees. Then there’s the day itself, with its connotation of food, family and overabundance. We hope that your Thanksgiving is stuffed with turkey, TV sports and togetherness. And finally there’s the association with shopping and the start of the holiday gift marathon. For some, it’s a gleeful time of power shopping, Black Friday sales, bargain hunting. Others dread the commercialization of the season. We’re biased, of course, and hope you’ll bear in mind that your small community merchants offer better service with less hassle than the malls. We’d also like to point out that many of us now offer coupons through the local DoPhinneyWood website. But whatever your holiday traditions and consumer bent, we hope that the next six weeks are filled with wintry fun. We’re looking forward to new events like WildLights at the Woodland Park Zoo and old favorites like the Green Lake Pathway of Lights (this year on December 8). May all your holidays be...
Read MoreComing up November 12-18
Tuesday: Evening sit and knit group, 6 to 9 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Wednesday: Midday sit and knit group, noon to 2 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Continuing Knitting class, 6 to 8 p.m. Contact the store for registration information.Thursday: Charity knitting group, noon to 2 p.m. Bring or start a project to donate. Free.Learn to Knit or Learn to Crochet, 6 to 8 p.m. $20 plus supplies. No registration required.Project Help, 6 to 8 p.m. Stuck on a project? Need to learn a new technique? Drop in for help. Only $5.Saturday: Drop Spindling, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. $45. Class includes drop spindle to take home and fiber to work with. Create your own yarn the old-fashioned (and portable) way using a drop spindle, and learn the techniques of drafting and spinning. Sunday: Continuing Knitting class, 10 to noon. Contact the store for registration information.Learn to Knit, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. $20. Buy or bring supplies. Get an introduction to knitting terms and yarns. Learn the basic knit stitch and get started on an easy project. Contact the store for registration information.Learn to Knit for Kids, 3 to 5 p.m. $20. Buy or bring supplies. Learn the knit stitch and start on a small scarf. Recommended for age 8 and up. Contact the store for registration...
Read MoreDo you have a lot of projects to crank out? Stop by the store and check out the Addi Express King machine. This tabletop device lets you knit either in the round or back-and-forth. In the circular mode you can make a hat in under 30 minutes. In the flat mode you can create knitted panels about 20 to 22 inches across that can be put together into sweaters, blankets and more. The Addi Express King retails for $240. A smaller version that is great for kids’ hats and smaller projects costs...
Read MoreIn the Store November 5-11
Tuesday: Evening sit and knit group, 6 to 9 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Wednesday: Midday sit and knit group, noon to 2 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Continuing Knitting class, 6 to 8 p.m. Contact the store for registration information.Thursday: Charity knitting group, noon to 2 p.m. Bring or start a project to donate. Free.Learn to Knit or Learn to Crochet, 6 to 8 p.m. $20 plus supplies. No registration required.Project Help, 6 to 8 p.m. Stuck on a project? Need to learn a new technique? Drop in for help. Only $5.Saturday: My First Socks, 10:30 to 12:30. First of three sessions. $60. Buy or bring supplies. Learn to turn a heel as you produce your first pair of socks. Prepare to become addicted! Contact the store for registration information.Malabrigo Mini-Mitts, 1 to 3 p.m. First of two sessions. $40. Buy or bring supplies. This is a great project for newer knitters who want to expand their skills. Learn to knit in the round, make a thumb gusset, and produce a pair of warm, colorful fingerless gloves.Taygete Shawl Knitalong midway session, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. A help and social session for those participating in our fall knitalong. Sunday: Learn to Crochet, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. $20. Buy or bring supplies. Learn the basics of crochet and the most common stitches. Practice on a sampler piece that can turn into a scarf. Contact the store for registration information.Continuing Crochet, 3 to 5 p.m. $20. Buy or bring supplies. Learn to crochet circles and learn more advanced stitches. Contact the store for registration...
Read MoreSale of the Week
We’re making room on our spinner rack and offering all our Classic Elite pattern booklets at 30% off this week. Great designs by top-notch designers such as Pam Allen, Jared Flood and Deborah Newton.
Read MoreIn the Store, October 29-November 4
Tuesday: Evening sit and knit group, 6 to 9 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Wednesday: Midday sit and knit group, noon to 2 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Continuing Knitting class, 6 to 8 p.m. Contact the store for registration information.Thursday: Charity knitting group, noon to 2 p.m. Bring or start a project to donate. Free.Learn to Knit or Learn to Crochet, 6 to 8 p.m. $20 plus supplies. No registration required.Project Help, 6 to 8 p.m. Stuck on a project? Need to learn a new technique? Drop in for help. Only $5.Saturday and Sunday: No classes. Stop by our booth at Knit Fit and say...
Read MoreIn the Store Oct. 22-Oct. 28
Tuesday: Evening sit and knit group, 6 to 9 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Wednesday: Midday sit and knit group, noon to 2 p.m. All knitters, crocheters and stitchers welcome! Free.Continuing Knitting class, 6 to 8 p.m. Contact the store for registration information.Thursday: Charity knitting group, noon to 2 p.m. Bring or start a project to donate. Free.Learn to Knit or Learn to Crochet, 6 to 8 p.m. $20 plus supplies. No registration required.Project Help, 6 to 8 p.m. Stuck on a project? Need to learn a new technique? Drop in for help. Only $5.Saturday: No classes today. Kids’ trick-or-treating up and down Greenwood Avenue from noon to 3 p.m.Sunday: Continuing Knitting class, 10 a.m. to noon. Contact the store for registration information. Beginning Basic Weaving, noon to 5 p.m. Learn how to set up a small tabletop loom and then weave your own scarf. $50. Bring your own loom or rent one of ours for an additional fee. Contact the store for registration...
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